Difairsity Fonds
Benefit sharing for the good of biodiversity
The international Nagoya Protocol is new and affects everyone who operates in research and development of genetic material, including seed producers. Benefit sharing has become an obligation. The foundation's Difairsity Fonds offers such service. On a fiduciary basis it manages endowments and spends the money on the conservation and sustainable use of genetic diversity.
Our promise
Safeguard diversity for future generations.
More on the subject
Nagoya Protocol
The Nagoya Protocol
Global rules for the use of genetic material in terms of research and development
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Nagoya glossary
The glossary about the Nagoya protocol
All necessary terms that form the Nagoya Protocol
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Difairsity Fonds
Difairsity Fonds – this is how it works
Questions and answers about the Difairsity Fonds
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Arche Noah Agreement
The Arche Noah Agreement
The seed savers association Arche Noah is the first one to employ the Difairsity Fond for benefit sharing
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